No one enjoys paying their electricity bill…

…and now you don’t have to!

  • Switching to solar energy is not only beneficial to your finances, but it's also an important step in protecting the environment. By opting for one of Core Solars renewable solutions you can significantly reduce your carbon footprint .

  • It's becoming common knowledge that installing a solar system can greatly reduce your energy bills. By combining solar with battery storage some households have even earn’t themselves a credit on their bill.

  • By generating and storing your own energy, you can reduce your reliance on energy providers and establish long lasting protection against increasing electricity prices. This allows you to take greater control of your energy needs and save money over the long term.

  • Choosing to install a solar system is a safe decision that can bring you both tax credits and energy savings. Homeowners are opting for solar panels due to the minimal maintenance requirements and the long-term benefits of solar energy. By installing a solar system, you can also boost the value of your home, as potential buyers will appreciate the reduced initial investment and installation costs

Our Energy Solutions

Solar Panels



Residential Solar

Take the first step towards a better future with Core Solar. Solar energy shields your household from increasing electricity prices, and enables you to sell electricity back to the grid for credits whilst cutting down on your carbon footprint.

Australian households are embracing solar energy to support the global movement towards a more sustainable future.

Residential solar power systems are the future of home energy production and a safe long term investment for families. Not only does solar provide environmental benefits, it is also financially sensible. This is especially true when you choose one of our no upfront cost saving plans.

At Core Solar our skilled solar consultants will provide the necessary guidance, and assistance to ensure that the most suitable solar solutions will meet your energy consumption requirements.

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